General: Design
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Posted Friday, 21 August 2009 By Claudia
What makes a good design
It's personal!
Posted Friday, 21 August 2009 By James
Well this really is an open question! If you were talking professionally and as simple as possible you might say what ever the client wants!
But if we were talking about general trends and what works in todays society, their are a few guidelines you can follow. Obviously it also depends on the intended medium and the target audience as well! But some things to bear in mind are;
1. keep it simple!
Gone are the days of lots of layers of writing over photography and text with bold and underlines and lots of colours. If you want it to be affective then keep it clean and simple.

2. Use a sophisticated or clean font.
Obviously this really depends on the genre the work needs to be created in, but try to use a font that is simple but stylish not just a random default font picked in Word! The font can make or break a design. Take your time when choosing the right font.

3. Avoid using all the filters in photoshop.
Technically, photoshop is not a design layout program, but an image and photo editing program. The filters are there to enhance and edit photos and images. A design done today looks very old very quickly if you have just added a standard filter over the image for no reason. Be very selective about what you do in photoshop!

4. Don't be afraid of "White Space"
White space doesn't have to be white, but just the area around the image or text. Your eye will focus more on a smaller photo or image with a lot of clean area around it than a big image or text with busy artwork around it. This is because the white space acts as target to focus on the important parts. If you have to cram everything in then you are using the wrong medium to get your message across.
For example a business card is a business card not a flyer. You only need your contact details on it!